Hexes of Sygon is a highly interactive resource management board game where players move wizards to conjure buildings and cast spells amid the chaos of erupting volcanoes and enchanting magic.
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Walk your wizards one space for free, or spend 1 gold to teleport a wizard up to two spaces away, ignoring opponent walls.
Spend resources to conjure buildings on your wizard-occupied spaces to score points. Collect resources from buildings at the end of your turn.
Each wizard may cast a different action spell (Forage, Steal, Protect). Optionally, add action spells & spell cards included with the base game.
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Seize area control in Sygon with clever wizard movement, building placement, and spell casting. Loot gold from rival towns & wizards and build walls to fortify your own.
Weave intricate spells to vanquish your rivals and tip the realm's balance in your favor, harnessing crucial spell components to master the art of powerful magic.
Each round, players earn gold equal to their point deficit. Volcanic eruptions slowly turn unwalled hexes into ash. Towns encircled by ash, walls, or volcanoes gain one extra point.
"Be prepared for a tight, interactive game where both opposing players and the environment itself are colluding to deny access to much-needed resources."
- Board Game Quest
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